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Chair of Strategic Management and Organization

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Flex4Work – Integration and Implementation of Flexible Strategies for Regular and Temporary Workers


Based on the loss of importance of the classical working contract and the growth of new forms of employment, the project examines the implications of different strategies of employment flexibility (Flexible Staffing) – particularly with regard to the relationship between permanent staff and temporary workers. This project distinguishes three different flexibility strategies: external flexibility (in the form of the use of flexible forms of employment such as temporary work), internal flexibility (eg flexible working time models) and functional flexibility (increasing the skills of individual employees). Interdisciplinary effects and influencing factors of different flexibility strategies in the metal and electrical industry are collected, evaluated and generalized.


The primary objective is to develop a valid and practice proven decision-making and action matrix, that captures viable options for flexibility strategies and their effects considering contingency factor of the company and the environment of the employees. The research program aims at a balance between productivity and competitiveness of enterprises on the one hand and health and social integrity of employees and families on the other hand.

Methodical Approach

According to the interdisciplinary study approach, different disciplin specific research methods are used. Basically, this comprises both qualitative and quantitative methods. An important component of the project is the cooperation with two industry partners, which allow for more detailed case studies and testing and implementation of innovative pilot projects. Extensive surveys of personell service agencies and client companies create a representative data base for empirical analysis. In consideration of case studies and comprehensive literature research we obtain interdisciplinary insights, which uncover economic as well as psychological, legal, medical, and demographic contexts.


The project is founded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, The European Social Funds and the European Union.

Selected Publications

Erhebung Mittelständische Zeitarbeit (Christian Lehmann, Martin Ratzmann, Ricarda B. Bouncken), Bayreuth Reports on Strategy 1/2010

Qualifizierung in der Zeitarbeit: Defizite, Rahmenbedingungen und Handlungsempfehlungen im Lichte empirischer Untersuchungen (Hajo Fischer, Ricarda B. Bouncken), Bayreuth Reports on Strategy, 1/2011.

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Ricarda Bouncken

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