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Chair of Strategic Management and Organization

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Innovation Supply / Value Chain

Theoretical Background

In developed countries, competitive performance is mainly based on innovative products and process-innovations. The past years have increasingly shown that innovation and competitive performance are based essentially on the collaboration between suppliers and manufacturers.Therefore, the form and conditions of collaborations between suppliers and manufacturers are in the focus of the innovation process. Despite the relevance of this issue and prior research on routine processes in supply chains, especially in logistics, research on innovation value chain is indispensable.


The primary aim of this research project is the generation of cross-sector findings along the innovation value chain and the establishment of a large-scale panel study.


The Chair of Strategic Management and Organization has already dealt with this research project over a considerable time period and was able to accomplish a comprehensive empirical assessment. In the beginning, a large number of explorative interviews as well as several pre-tests of questionnaires were executed. Subsequently, strategies and organizational collaborative were explicitly reviewed in several surveys. Thus, the chair already possesses a data set with far more than 1500 surveys. Furthermore, this data set is continuously extended. On the basis of advanced experience, a questionnaire with high valid scales was developed and employed in to surveying periods. The questionnaire contains strategies, time strategies, collaboration type, confidence level, etc. as well as their effect on innovation success and competition success of suppliers in the electrical industry.

Selected Publications

Dancing with up stream directives in the supply chain: Suppliers’ innovation performance (Ricarda B. Bouncken), in: International Journal of Business Research (IJBR), No. 5, 2009, pp. 1 - 12. (Abstract)

Supplier Innovation & Strategy: Performance Implications of Dependencies and Trust in the Supply Chain (Ricarda B. Bouncken, Thorsten Teichert) in: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 7-11, 2009, Chicago. (Abstract)

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Ricarda Bouncken

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