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Chair of Strategic Management and Organization

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Knowledge Generation in Alliances


Due to rapid environmental changes, organizational learning is a promoter and a vital success factor for innovative- and competitiveness in firms. Business alliances provide promising opportunities for organizational learning as already existing knowledge is intensively exchanged between alliance partners. Furthermore, there is an opportunity for generating new knowledge that might not have emerged without the alliance.


The primary objective of this course is to identify influencing factors to improve learning processes in alliances. For example, we consider the role of trust, spatial proximity, dominance, and dependency as well as project management, and relationship quality.


To achieve the outlined research objectives, qualitative and quantitative methods are emloyed. A comprehensive literature analysis regarding dynamic capabilities is conducted. In parallel or subsequently, a survey at company level is carried out. This survey inquires the basic coherences of knowledge in alliances. Subsequently, data of our empirical study, which is analyzed by advanced statistical methods, sheds more light on this issue. Thus, causal relationships of knowledge generation in alliances and opportunities to optimize alliances are revealed.

Selected Publications

Innovation Performance through Formal and Emergent Operating Practices in Project Alliances - Size as a Moderator on Formal Operating Practices (Ricarda B. Bouncken), angenommen, in: British Journal of Management, 2010.

Inter-Firm Innovation Teams: Structures for Relational Learning (Ricarda B. Bouncken, Thorsten Teichert), in: Journal of Academy of Business and Economics (JABE), Nr. 2, 2007, S. 28 - 37. (Abstract)

Konstruktion von organisationalem Wissen in Virtuellen Unternehmen (Ricarda B. Bouncken), in: Die Unternehmung, Nr. 1, 2003, S. 21 - 44. (Abstract)

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Ricarda Bouncken

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