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Chair of Strategic Management and Organization

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Organisational Knowledge Creation

Theoretical Background

In recent years, the ability to utilize existing knowledge and to generate new knowledge increasingly emerged as a success-critical dimension for companies. This is, among other facets, a result of the rapid speed of change occurrences. In this context, learning in organizations is inherent an outstanding position. An organization may be named a learning organization if the organization sets up its structure, culture and strategy purposefully in order to maximize the potential of organizational learning.


The focal aim is to identify how company management can create a learning organization and how they may facilitate organizational learning by setting up a learning-friendly environment.


To achieve the outlined research objectives, qualitative and quantitative methods are emloyed. A comprehensive literature analysis regarding dynamic capabilities is conducted. In parallel or subsequently, a survey at company level is carried out. This survey inquires the basic coherences of effective organizational learning. Subsequently, data of our empirical study, which is analyzed by advanced statistical methods, sheds more light on this issue. Thus, causal relationships of organizational learning are identified.

Selected Publications

Autopoiesis: The Conception of Joint Learning (Ricarda B. Bouncken), in: European Journal of Management (EJM), Nr. 4, 2008, S. 40 - 46. (Abstract)

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Ricarda Bouncken

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