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Chair of Strategic Management and Organization

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V6-4: Case Study Seminar

Learning goals
The primary objective of this course is to develop critical analysis skills needed to compete aggressively as an entrepreneur in high tech. Many start-up entrepreneurs, as well as the people advising them have stressed the importance of writing a business plan as a foundation of the new venture process. This course looks at the business plan as the corollary of a process of finding, screening and analyzing business ideas, the outcome of the development of the business concept and not its foundation. The methodical focus is the analysis of case studies.
Learning content
(a) ability to assess and predict customer needs in global markets that may not yet exist;

(b) ability to create and execute marketing, biotechnology development and strategic plans that integrate technological development with evolving international customer requirements;

(c) understanding of how the confluence of biotechnological innovation, marketing, market forces and venture finance drives new technology ventures;

(d) knowledge of how to identify the various sources of financing for ventures;

(e) an understanding the role of teams in the entrepreneurial process and the type of team partners that entrepreneurs must seek;

(f) understanding of the types of venture partners and alliances that might be beneficial for global venture success;

(g) and a realization of how these preliminary steps lay the ground work for the creation of an effective business plan.

(h) methodical ability to analyze problems within a case study outlining the background’s important items of the case

(i) ability to apply the case study method

Forms of knowledge intermediation
Case Study Analysis
Recommended previous knowledge
good English language skills
class participation, presentations and assignments on case studies
time of attendance 30 hours and preparation/wrap-up/readings 150 hours = 180 hours
ECTS credits
Temporal extent
1 semester

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Ricarda Bouncken

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