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Chair of Strategic Management and Organization

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Research and third-party funded projects


Research topics at the chair of strategic management and organization have a primary focus on the exploration of innovation, diversity and alliance management as well as the investigation of different processes regarding organizational knowledge transfer and learning methods. Here, strategic and organizational questions shall be answered on a basis like how alliance partners should be arranged in the supply chain and which organizational transfers (teams, e.g.) can be implemented.


These studies are based on an empirical methodology – usually through large enquiries of questionnaires which are evaluated by multivariate principles, but also through qualitative case studies. The chair simultaneously aims at institutionalizing a distinctive international research capability, which can be ensured through cooperation with various internationally operating companies. The chair generally deals with companies from a diverse pool of industries, from the high tech to healthcare business.

Funding and Linkages

The analysis is oriented regarding fundamental and applied research. Public institutions and trusts generously sponsor fundamental research. Applied research usually is sponsored by corporations and federal ministries. The chair strives for a strong bound between research and academic teachings which is ensured through a contribution of research assistants and students within the projects. Also, bachelor and master theses are assigned to support the research of current projects.

The fundamental research approach of the chair is reflected through a variety of publications published in internationally recognized journals and the multitude of attendances at conferences. The chair looks back at a plurality of successfully finalized third-party projects.

The chair of strategic management and organization generally is open-minded towards suggestions from both public institutions as well as business enterprises regarding the conduct of cooperative research projects at any time.

A variety of important projects – for which new partners are searched for at any time – can be found on this homepage.

Research ConceptHide
Graphic depiction of the research concept of the Chair for Strategic Management and Organization

Diversification management

Personal or cultural diversity has evolved as a critical and important resource for multinational companies. Keeping this in mind, the dynamic globalization and the socio-demographic change contribute to the needs of a proactive and synergetic use of different diversity management tools. Regarding this field of research, the chair primarily analyzes diversities in inner- and intra-organizational collaborations of innovation teams (cultural-ethnic, demographic, cognitive and relational diversity). Also, intercultural processes between corporations, especially when dealing with alliance partners from different cultural backgrounds, are examined.

Alliance management

Corporate cooperation depicts a modern form of organizations in value chain processes and has gained significant importance in the context of national and international management. The specific combination of (core) competencies from two legally independent companies results in both potential capabilities as well as conflicts during a target-oriented composition and surveillance in alliance management. Here, the chairs’ research primarily evaluates questions regarding knowledge generation in alliances, the allocation of duties and responsibilities of the firms involved and the handling of stress and conflict factors and the controlling of alliances. A significant focal point is laid upon the research of innovation processes between supply chain partners. Topics like the distribution of power, dependency and formal requirements on innovation and prosperity within the supply chain are analyzed here.

Knowledge and learning

The use of employees’ current knowledge and a continuous development of their cognitive capacity through efficient and target-orientated learning has become an important determinant of success for corporations. This in mind, the chair of strategic management and organization analyzes the research field “knowledge and learning” and the transfer and generation of inner- and intra-organizational knowledge. The examination of dynamic knowledge and learning processes usually takes places in a shared context with the other research objects. Examples are how to produce and share new knowledge and enable learning processes under dynamic circumstances like intra-cultural teams, alliance partnerships or innovation teams.

Innovation management

Because of the rapidly accelerating globalization process, organizations are confronted by a pressure of implementing new innovations like new products and services or new processes. A competent and effective innovation management of innovation processes gives organizations the opportunity of gaining competitive advantages. Here, the chair of strategic management and organization is involved with a diversity of aspects regarding innovation management. Examples are the strategies and contingencies along the innovation value chain, the factors of success of innovation alliances or the innovation processes of value chains.

Research PartnershipsHide
InstitutionArea of cooperationContact
University of Sydney (Australien)
InnovationskooperationenSiggi Gudergan
University of Brighton (Großbritannien)

Interkulturelles EntrepreneurshipKeith Perks
University of York / The York Management School (Großbritannien)
Methodische AspekteKiran Jude Fernandes
Hosei University (Japan)
Collective IntelligenceHaruo Hcraguchi
University of Western Ontario (Kanada)

Innovationsteams, Interkulturelle Teams

Suhaib Riaz
University of Michigan (USA)
Innovationskooperationen, Forschungstransfer und EntrepreneurshipWilliam Lekse
Rutgers University (USA)
Internationale Innovationsprozesse, Diversität in TeamsRakesh Sambharya

Innovation und Verbraucherschutz

Claas Christian Germelmann

Access to the papers of Bayreuth Reports on Strategy can be found here.

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Ricarda Bouncken

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