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Chair of Strategic Management and Organization

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Optional Lectures

The chair of strategic management and organization offers compulsory micro modules, which are held in addition to the regular classes. The focal points of these modules are the procedural methods of scientific research which will give students the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the procedures and concepts of academic research. All students may participate in these modules, although an official performance confirmation will be issued by the chair upon request only. The micro modules offered will be offered on a regularly basis twice a year (summer and winter semester). Times and places will be announced on the chairs’ homepage in due time.

Micro module: Quantitative research methods


  • Overview of quantitative research methods
  • Statistical terminology, statistical modeling and testing, structural equation modeling

Lecturer: Dr. Viktor Fredrich

Micro moduls: SPSS course


  • Introduction to different analysis methods with the statistical software SPSS
  • Practical examples and exercises

Lecturer: Dr. Viktor Fredrich

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Ricarda Bouncken

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